[WEBINAR RECORDING] The Layer Cake: Modernizing Your Cybersecurity Stack to Defend Against Today’s Attackers

The Layer Cake: Modernizing Your Cybersecurity Stack to Defend Against Today’s Attackers

Dan Sharp

President & CEO

In this educational webinar, Andrew Meier from Huntress explored security challenges that law firms face in the current Threat Landscape and how Infoware uses a layered approach that defends you from attackers. 

During this webinar recording you will learn:

  • Why small to medium businesses are a prime target for hackers
  • What a typical attacker's journey looks like
  • What is the NIST Framework and why should you be aware of it
  • Best Practices to ensure your network files and data are properly secured 

Go to webinar recording

About our partner Huntress

Huntress works with Infoware to find and stop hidden threats that sneak past preventive security tools. Together, we help strengthen your company's security against cyber-attacks.

About Infoware

For the last 40 years Infoware has been helping law firms and other professional organizations work more efficiently.  Our cost-effective Managed IT Services and cybersecurity programs are designed to reduce risk and improve productivity for your firm. Contact us for a quick10-15-minute,obligation-free chat to see if we can help keep cybersecurity threats at bay and improve your IT operations.


Email: inquiries@infoware.ca

Call: 416-360-2646