Business Resiliency: When Change Is the New Normal

Explore how IT support strategies can enhance resilience for Ontario's SMBs, ensuring operational stability and growth.

Dan Sharp

President & CEO

In an era where unpredictability seems to be the only constant, the resilience of your business is not just an asset; it's a necessity. Ontario's business landscape, particularly in bustling hubs like North York, demands agility, foresight, and an unbreakable spirit to not just survive but thrive amidst challenges. This narrative is not new, but the strategies to achieve it, especially in the realm of IT support, are continually evolving. Let's unpack what business resiliency is and how your organization can build and maintain it.

What is business resiliency?

Imagine a building without a strong foundation. Even the slightest tremor or storm can bring it down. In the same way, a business without resiliency is highly vulnerable to disruptions that can have severe repercussions on its operations and overall success.

Business resiliency is the ability of an organization to adapt and bounce back from unexpected events, such as natural disasters, technological failures, or economic downturns. It involves having the necessary structures, processes, and strategies in place to mitigate risks and quickly recover from disruptions.

Just like an athlete trains their body to be resilient and bounce back from injuries, a business must prepare itself for potential challenges that could arise. By doing so, it can continue to function and thrive even in the face of adversity.

what is business resiliency

Why is business resilience important?

Think of business resiliency as a safety net for your organization. By having measures in place to prevent and address disruptions, you can minimize downtime, maintain customer trust, and protect your bottom line.

A resilient business is also better equipped to anticipate risks and adapt to changing market conditions. With the rapid advancements in technology and increasing global interconnectedness, businesses must have the ability to pivot quickly and stay ahead of the curve.

Moreover, having a well-built business resiliency plan can also provide a competitive advantage. Customers are more likely to trust and do business with companies that have demonstrated their ability to handle challenges effectively.

Now, what happens if a business does not prioritize resiliency? It puts itself at risk of severe consequences, such as reputational damage, financial losses, and even closure. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, being resilient isn't just an option; it's a survival strategy. It's something that all businesses must prioritize to ensure their long-term success.

importance of business resiliency

What is business continuity?

Business continuity is a key component of business resiliency. It refers to the ability of an organization to continue its critical operations during and after a disruption, ensuring minimal impact on its customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

The capability of an organization to continue product supply, maintain customer service, and meet regulatory requirements are all crucial aspects of business continuity. It involves having a plan in place to quickly recover from disruptions and resume operations as smoothly as possible.

what is business continuity

Business resilience vs. business continuity

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, it's important to note that they are not exactly the same. Business resilience is a broader concept that encompasses business continuity and other aspects of achieving overall resilience.

Business continuity focuses on maintaining essential operations during a disruption, while business resilience involves preparing for and adapting to disruptions in the long term. Let's use an analogy – business continuity is like a spare tire that helps you continue driving in the event of a flat, while business resilience involves regularly checking and maintaining your car to prevent future breakdowns. The two go hand in hand but with a slightly different focus.

Business resilience vs. business continuity

Crafting your business resilience plan

Now that we understand the importance of business resiliency, how can you actually build and maintain it? Here are some key steps to get you started:

  • Identify potential risks: The first step is to conduct a thorough risk assessment of your organization. Consider both internal and external factors that could pose a threat to your operations.
  • Develop a formal plan: Once you have identified potential risks, develop a formal plan outlining how your organization will respond to and recover from disruptions. This should include clear protocols and procedures for different scenarios.
  • Communicate the plan: Ensure that all employees are aware of the business resiliency plan and their roles in implementing it. This will help minimize confusion and maximize efficiency during a disruption.
  • Test and update regularly: A plan is only as good as its execution. Regularly test and update your business resiliency plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
  • Utilize technology: Technology can play a significant role in helping organizations build resilience. This includes implementing disaster recovery solutions, cloud computing, and data backup systems to protect critical information.
 crafting a business plan

Best practices and tips for building business resilience

Here are a few additional best practices and tips to keep in mind as you work towards building a resilient organization:

  • Stay informed and anticipate risks: Keep up with the latest news, trends, and potential threats that could impact your business. This will allow you to stay one step ahead and be better prepared.
  • Diversify your operations: Don't rely on one single source for your products, services, or suppliers. Diversifying can help mitigate the impact of disruptions in one area.
  • Train and educate employees: Your employees are crucial to building resiliency. Invest in training them on crisis management and business continuity protocols to ensure they know what to do in case of a disruption.
  • Network and collaborate with other businesses: Building connections with other organizations can provide valuable support in times of crisis. Consider joining industry groups or forming partnerships to share resources and knowledge.
  • Regularly review and update insurance coverage: Ensure your business is adequately insured against potential risks. Review your coverage regularly to ensure it aligns with your current operations and any changes in the market.
practices and tips for building business resilience

The role of IT support in business resiliency

In today's digital age, IT support is critical in ensuring business resiliency. With businesses relying heavily on technology for their operations, any disruption in IT systems can have severe consequences.

IT support professionals are responsible for keeping the organization's technology infrastructure running smoothly and efficiently. This includes implementing security measures to prevent cyber attacks, regularly backing up data to ensure it is not lost in a disaster, and providing quick solutions in the event of an IT failure.

Moreover, IT support can help businesses stay ahead of potential risks by continuously monitoring and updating systems to ensure they are resilient against new threats. Here are some key ways IT support can contribute to business resiliency:

Data recovery and backup

IT support can help businesses implement data recovery and backup solutions to protect critical information from being lost in a disaster. This includes onsite and remote data backups, ensuring your business can quickly recover from any disruption.


IT support professionals are well-versed in cybersecurity measures and can help businesses prevent, detect, and respond to cyber-attacks. By regularly updating security protocols and conducting vulnerability assessments, IT support can help minimize the risk of data breaches or system failures.

Disaster recovery planning

In addition to backing up data, IT support can also assist with creating and implementing a disaster recovery plan that outlines how the organization will respond and recover from a disaster. This includes identifying critical systems and processes, prioritizing their recovery, and regularly testing the plan to ensure it remains effective.

Cloud computing

Implementing cloud computing solutions can also help organizations build resiliency by providing remote access to critical systems and data. IT support can assist in setting up and managing cloud services to ensure they are secure and reliable.

role of IT support in business resiliency

Infoware: A partner in business resiliency

At Infoware, we understand the importance of business resiliency and the vital role IT support plays in achieving it. So, how can we help your business become more resilient?

  • We provide proactive IT support to keep your systems running smoothly and minimize downtime.
  • Our team of experts regularly assesses potential risks and develops strategies to mitigate them.
  • We offer disaster recovery planning and backup solutions to ensure your critical data is safe during a disruption.
  • Our remote access solutions allow you to continue your operations even in a crisis.
  • We stay updated on industry trends to help you stay ahead of potential threats and adapt quickly.

We don't just provide IT support; we are a partner in your business resiliency efforts. We ensure your technology is robust and reliable, allowing you to focus on running your business without worrying about disruptions.

partnering with Infoware

Build business resilience today 

As a business owner, you know well that challenges and disruptions are a part of running a business. It's not a matter of if but when they will happen. By prioritizing business resiliency and having the right IT support in place, you can ensure your organization not only survives but thrives in the face of adversity.

You can't control what happens, but you can control how you respond. With a solid business resiliency plan and the right IT support partner, your organization can emerge stronger from any disruption and continue to grow and succeed in the ever-changing business landscape.

Contact us today, and let us help you build a business that can see through any storm with confidence.

Frequently asked questions 

What is organizational resilience?

Organizational resilience is the ability of a business to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and adapt to incremental changes and sudden disruptions in order to survive and prosper. It's about building a business that is robust, flexible, and ready to face any challenge, ensuring continuity and operational effectiveness.

How can my business become more resilient?

Becoming more resilient involves developing a comprehensive resiliency plan that encompasses risk management, continuity management, and business continuity plans. It means understanding your supply chain vulnerabilities, implementing robust business continuity management systems, and ensuring your business operations can withstand disruptions like a pandemic.

What is a resiliency plan, and why is it important?

A resiliency plan is a strategic framework that outlines how your organization will continue its critical operations during and after a significant disruption. It's crucial because it prepares your business to quickly recover from unforeseen events, minimizing downtime and financial losses and maintaining the trust of your customers and stakeholders.

Can operational resilience increase business growth?

Yes, operational resilience can significantly increase business growth by ensuring that your organization's critical functions can continue during a disruption, thereby maintaining customer service and market position. It allows businesses to adapt to changes smoothly and seize opportunities that arise from disruptions, gaining a competitive advantage.

How can IT support keep an organization running during an outage?

IT support plays a critical role in keeping an organization running during an outage by implementing disaster recovery and business continuity plans that ensure data is backed up and can be quickly restored. Cyber resilience measures, including cybersecurity strategies, help protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks, ensuring business operations can continue seamlessly.

What role does risk management play in building business resilience?

Risk management is a cornerstone of building business resilience, as it involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to your business processes and operations. By understanding potential risks, businesses can develop strategies to mitigate them, ensuring continuity and the ability to respond effectively to disruptions.